
Dengue Prevention/ Protection

Dengue fever, a mosquito-borne viral infection, necessitates comprehensive measures for prevention and protection. The primary focus lies in mitigating mosquito populations and minimizing human-mosquito contact.

Preventing dengue involves eradicating mosquito breeding grounds, such as standing water in containers. Community-wide efforts to eliminate potential breeding sites are crucial.

Individuals can protect themselves by using insect repellents containing DEET or picaridin. Wearing long-sleeved clothing and closed shoes, especially during peak mosquito activity, helps reduce exposure to mosquito bites.

Installing screens on windows and doors, as well as using bed nets treated with insecticides, provides physical barriers against mosquitoes. This is particularly important in regions where Aedes mosquitoes, the dengue virus carriers, are prevalent.

Community engagement plays a pivotal role in dengue prevention. Educational programs raise awareness about the significance of eliminating breeding sites and using protective measures. This empowers communities to actively participate in the fight against dengue.

Governments and health authorities must implement effective vector control programs, incorporating larvicides and insecticides, to reduce mosquito populations in high-risk areas.

Early detection and treatment are critical. Individuals experiencing symptoms like high fever, severe headache, and joint pain should seek prompt medical attention to prevent the virus’s further spread.

In essence, a multifaceted approach encompassing community involvement, robust mosquito control initiatives, and individual protective measures is essential in the collective effort to prevent and protect against dengue fever.

Dengue Symptoms

  • Running high temperature (fever)
  • Extreme headache
  • Pain at the back of the eyes
  • Joint pain and muscle cramps
  • Signs of nausea and vomiting
  • Visibility of red spots on the skin
  • Bleeding from nose

When one gets infected of dengue virus, most of these symptoms persists upto 10 days in most cases and in some cases few days more depending on the type of dengue, immunity, general health condition and treatment.

Medical help in Dengue

In case of any or few of the symptoms

  • Consult with specialist doctor
  • Keep the surrounding environment clean
  • Get all prescribed medical tests done
  • Avoid practicing self medication
  • Avoid taking aspirin as aspirin makes blood thin

To protect yourself

  • Try not to stay in populated residential places
  • Use mosquito nets, repellents both even while staying indoors
  • When going out try to wear full sleeves clothes that cover your body
  • Wear socks
  • Keep doors and windows closed , or use net at windows to prevent entry of mosquitoes
  • Use air conditioner is available
  • Consult doctor if you notice any symptoms of dengue
  • Dengue mosquitoes usually stings during day and early evening

Care for Dengue patient

  • Try to intake more fluids like fresh water, sugar cane juice, ORS, coconut water, lime juice, green tea, orange juice and other fruit juices.
  • Try to induce more dairy products and nutritious food in your diet.
  • For vegetarians, it is essential to intake greener vegetables and fresh fruits
  • Avoid spicy foods.
  • Have adequate amount of protein. Non- vegetarians can have meat , fish and egg based proteins and vegetarians need to have soya, soya-beans and chunks, tofu, paneer (fresh cheese) etc.