
Desun Today

Severe Chemical Burn Brought To Desun At Midnight

Anil Ghosh,34-year-old male, is a worker of a Chemical manufacturing unit at Barasat. Last week when he was working inside the factory in processing unit, suddenly a serious chemical blast occurred resulting a massive burn injury. Immediately he was taken to a local nursing-home. But due to non-availability of infrastructural facilities, they immediately refused for admission. Then they immediately rushed to Desun Hospital with the advice of their house physician.


A team of doctors comprising of Plastic Surgeon, Internal Medicine, Cardiologist, Clinical Nutritionist and General Surgeon immediately put him on the Latest Life Support System of DESUN’s Burns Unit. When the family brought him here, he was already suffering from high infection levels and most of his clinical parameters were unstable with history of chemical burn injury around 1:30 pm, Burn areas include bilateral upper limbs right inguinal area and half of the body front and back.

Desun’s 10-bedded Specialized Burns ICU has all the modern ICU support facilities like ventilators, 7 parameter hemodynamic monitors, syringe pumps, pulse oxymeter, defibrillators, special mattresses etc. to support the burn patients along with Advanced Isolation Techniques.

Immediately, all relevant investigations were done. He was symptomatically managed and conservatively treated. The patient was having fever at regular interval along with loose stool. Immediately, strong sings of Septic shock were noted by the Intensivist as Total Count & CRP were highly raised. Blood C/S revealed the growth of acinetobacter & urine C/S showed the growth of enterococcus. Dyselectrolytemia was also noted. Immediately Echocardiogram, USG done to identify the internal organ injuries. Broad sprectum IV antibiotics were started to counter the episode of sepsis. Nutritional deficiencies were also noted. LFT report showed the low level of Albumin & Total protein. Immediately, total parenteral nutrition & IV albumin was started. Blood investigations revealed hypokalaemia & decreased Hb%. PRBC transfused & potassium supplement given for immediate correction of hypokalaemia & decreased Hb%.

Modern & Scientific Air-Conditioning System at Desun’s Burn Unit
Desun’s advanced Air-conditioning System maintains humidity and temperature as per international standards recommended for Burns ICU and also has special feature of releasing Ozone. Inside the Burns Unit Ozone is maintained at an optimal level. It stimulates local cell regeneration, thereby, helps to heal faster.

Desun Burn Center’s Wound Care Team consists of certified technicians and nurses who use latest wound care techniques to provide daily burn wound evaluation and management. Wound care products are tailored to each individual patient’s needs and requirements.

A split-thickness skin grafting (STSG) was performed as 1st stage (30% area) to resurface both the arm, forearm left breast, left dorsum of hand & skin harvested from left thigh. Treated with high grade antibiotics and other supportive management including sterile dressing. Later on 2nd stage STSG was performed (30% area) to resurface the right breast, whole right half of abdomen and right upper half of thigh, right dorsum of hand and extensor surface of all 4 digits of right hand & skin harvested from right thigh.

Within a shortest span of time, both donor area (right and left thigh) healed completely & skin grafted area (2 stages) -> appeared as healthy. Patient improved gradually and finally discharged within a span of almost 45 days