
Desun Today


Desun 24 hours Emergency with Specialist Doctors:
Mr. Moloy Banerjee, a 38-year-old from Jalpaiguri, had a massive road accident which almost killed him. He was on a bike and was hit by a truck. The accident took place at night. Pedestrians picked him up and took him to a nearby nursing home. Considering his criticality, the nursing home management team refused to treat him due to non-availability of adequate infrastructural facilities. One of the persons in that group had saved Desun’s 24-hours Emergency Contact Number. Thanks to Desun’s Quickest Emergency Ambulance service, Mr. Moloy Banerjee then was taken to DESUN Hospital immediately.


The patient was brought to DESUN Hospital in a most critical condition. Immediately he was tested with Chest X-Ray and subsequently went through a Whole Body CT Scan. The tests revealed multiple rib fractures & Femur bone fracture. Observing his critical condition, the doctors decided to put a chest drain immediately on both sides of the chest. He was then intubated and ventilated.

The accident had made its impact on almost every part of his body. He was suffering from tendon and muscle injury of the right foot along with rib fractures & Femur bonefracture. A medical team, comprising of Specialist Internal Medicine doctors, Cardiothoracic surgeon, Orthopaedic surgeon, Pulmonologist and plastic surgeon reviewed him daily.

The patient was hypotensive, in septic shock & in a hemodynamically unstable condition. This critical condition required proper management and tremendous skill with supporting infrastructure to make the patient stable through protocol-based antibiotic therapy. All these medical efforts made him hemodynamically stable.

In the previous issue of DESUN Update we had discussed Total Knee Replacement at Desun. In this issue we shall discuss more on the Emergency Care at Desun

After 10 days he was shifted from the ITU to general ward & then he was posted for Screw Plating & Nailing of Femur bone. After surgical management patient was became symptomatically better & he was discharged 7 days later.

Strongest Ambulance Network Support System:
Only DESUN has a massive network of other ambulances operating all over Kolkata as well as districts of West Bengal, apart from its own ambulance fleet. DESUN can mobilize ambulances from the local area of the patient in a very short time, even at midnight!

Strongest ICU Back-up:
All DESUN ICU have Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumps, 7 Parameter Haemodynamic Monitoring, 1:1 Ventilator & many other advanced management systems. Apart from this, Temporary Pacemaker & round-the-clock Medical & Paramedical staff support is also available.

Facility of advanced pathology testing:
DESUN has its own Reference Lab performing more than 3,000 super speciality tests, which helps quick diagnosis and makes further prognosis possible immediately.

Availability of 24X7 full-time consultant:
Full-time expert consultants are available round-the-clock for 365 days to handle all emergencies and complex cases.

24X7 availability of assistance for Cardiac Cath – Lab:
In case of any cardiac emergency, Desun’s full team of Interventionists along with paramedics are available for performing Primary angioplasty , Angiography & Conventional Angioplasty.