
Desun Today

The family choose DESUN and they arrived at midnight.

Mr. Ramesh Ghosh, a 40 years old male and a resident of Howrah, experienced a sudden chest discomfort & sweating around 6 p.m. He was immediately taken to a local nursing home where the doctor advised immediate shifting to a Tertiary Care hospital in Kolkata having advanced Cardiac treatment facilities.


Immediately Desun Specialist Team at Emergency started primary screening by correlating clinical symptoms & by sending advance cardiac markers like Trop-T, CPK, CPK-MB & ECG, ECHO.

The cardiologists at DESUN through advanced testing found out that the patient had an inferior wall MI, Cardiogenic shock and intermittent complete heart block.

It was found that the patient was having very low Ejection Fraction (at around 40%) & Heart Rate (38 beat per minute). Observing the critical condition of the heart, it was decided to put him on temporary pacemaker immediately. To save the patient angioplasty with stenting was required immediately. Meanwhile, the family of the patient was counselled about the risks involved in this procedure & given the extremely feeble state of his heart. The family readily agreed knowing that otherwise Mr. Ghosh did not stand much chance of survival.

Around 2 o’clock at night Mr. Ghosh was taken to the Cath-Lab of DESUN. The doctors began with coronary angiography (CAG), which was done through right radial artery. CAG revealed that he had DVD (Double Vessel Disease). It was decided that the patient needed coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and stenting of LAD and RCA. CAG result showed he had 80% lesion in mid LAD (Left Anterior Descending) and RCA (Right Coronary Artery) & 85% – 90% lesion involving proximal and mid RCA.

At DESUN Hospital angioplasties are performed by radial route, reducing the chances of infection & post procedure complications. Stenting (PTCA) was done by a guide catheter ( 6 FR. JR) through the right radial artery. Then a guide wire was used through the RCA lesion to dilate it. Subsequently a stent measuring 4.0 X 33 mm. was inserted to get the desired result. This procedure immediately showed full thrombus inside the artery. As a result, thrombosuction catheter was used to remove the thrombus from the artery allowing a systematic flow of blood.

A wire was then inserted in the LAD lesion along with a direct stenting using a 3.0 X 18 mm stent. The outcome of this was exactly what the doctors sought. At around 3 o’clock at night Mr. Ghosh was wheeled from the Cath-Lab. Post angioplasty, the patient was haemodynamically stable and was therefore shifted to ICU for further observation. As the heartbeat, pulse, pressure was under control, the temporary pacemaker was removed.

Mr. Ghosh was discharged within 3 days after angioplasty with clinically stable condition.

The advanced testing facilities at DESUN along with 24 hours presence of interventional cardiologist (MD, DM) and also the only hospital to have 24 hours open Cath-Lab with support staff, saved a life. This is one of the major differences between DESUN and others.

At DESUN ICU, Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumps, 7 Parameter Hemodynamic Monitoring, 1:1 Ventilator System and unique 24×7 support of trained associate consultants and paramedics always put the foot step ahead.

Only DESUN has both its Cath-labs open throughout the night along with the paramedical support, so that Primary Angioplasty with stenting which are lifesavers for MI patients can be performed at any time. In addition, only DESUN keeps a huge variety of stents, balloons, catheter, guide wires, etc. so that any type of cardiac procedure like Angioplasty, can be performed anytime.

As Desun is having its own Reference Lab performing more than 3000 super speciality Tests, Quickest diagnosis helps immediately in further prognosis. Specifically, advanced cardiac Tests like 3D ECHO, TTE, TEE helps in accurate diagnosis.