Dark Chocolates is Good for Heart and Health

Consumption of permitted quantity of chocolates can be very beneficial for health and heart. Dark chocolates in particular are very beneficial. Chocolates impact our health, heart, blood flow and mind. 

So we can Eat Chocolates, Gift Chocolates and also Spread the Awareness 

Health Benefits of Chocolates

Health Benefits of Chocolates

STROKE: Chocolate helps reduce chances of stroke; permitted quantity of chocolates around 40 grams a week may reduce chances of a stroke by 20% 

FILLING: Dark chocolates are richer in fiber and keeps us full 

DEPRESSION: Chocolates are mood booster, helps fight depression

HEART and CHOLESTEROL: Chocolates are great for cardiac health as it helps in lowering blood pressure and bad cholesterol (LDL) 

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolates

Health Benefits of Dark Chocolates

DIABETES: Chocolates may increase insulin sensitivity and helps to avoid diabetes in some cases 

BLOOD THINNER: Cocoa in chocolate contains blood thinning properties and may help in smooth flow of blood and help in better blood circulation

EYESIGHT: Chocolate may increase blood flow in the retina and help our vision 

ALERT and AGILE: Chocolate in many cases makes us alert so more efficient at work 

Health Benefits of Chocolates on Chocolate Day by Desun Hospital and Heart Institute
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