HEPATITIS – Causes | Treatment | Symptoms | Prevention

HEPATITIS is an inflammatory condition of the liver in most cases caused by viral infections. There may be other reasons too.


Major functions of LIVER

  • Helps in digestion through production of bile
  • Helps filter toxins from the body
  • Excretes bilirubin
  • Breaks down carbohydrates, fats and protein
  • Activation of enzymes
  • Helps in storage of glycogen (a form of sugar), vitamins A, D, E, K and minerals
  • Synthesis of albumin (a blood protein)
  • Synthesis of clotting factors


Types of HEPATITIS and How We Contact the Infection

Hepatitis A (HAV) Caused by Hepatitis A virus and it is mostly contacted as we consume food or water infected by feces of a Hepatitis A infected person
Hepatitis B (HBV) It is transmitted as one comes in contact with the body fluid of an infected person with Hepatitis B Virus. It can be transmitted through use of same safety razor, reuse of injection syringes, physical intimacy and contact with blood.
Hepatitis C (HCV) It is transmitted mostly through contact with body fluid of a person infected with the virus. It can be transmitted through physical intimacy, non disposable syringes or reuse of syringes
Hepatitis D (HDV) It is transmitted with direct contact to infected blood. It is a very serious type of liver disease.
Hepatitis E (HEV) It is mostly transmitted through consumption of infected water by fecal matters that have contaminated the water.
Noninfectious This is caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Long term abuse and not taking proper medical care can lead to permanent damage of liver and cause cirrhosis of liver.
Autoimmune The body mistakenly considers the liver to be harmful foreign object and creates antibodies against the liver and attacks it. This hinders function of liver.


Treatment of HEPATITIS

Hepatitis A (HAV) It is short term illness. Follow medical advice for relief from symptoms.
Hepatitis B (HBV) It may require long term medical treatment and is mostly treated with antiviral medicines.  Treatment may also include more things depending on symptoms.
Hepatitis C (HCV) Treatment includes combination of anti viral medications.
Hepatitis D (HDV) There is no specific drug. The treatment can continue over long time and it is complicated.
Hepatitis E (HEV) No specific medicine. It is best to follow medical advice that mostly includes rest, consuming enough fluid, balanced nutrition, avoiding some food and food types.
Noninfectious It is best to visit doctor if there are symptoms like problem with digestion, discomfort or pain in abdomen area. Yearly liver check up is important. People consuming alcohol regularly need to be more cautious.
Autoimmune It is best to get the liver checked once a year or as there are some problems with digestion or difficulty in abdomen area through specialist doctors. There are certain medicines that work well. Early diagnosis helps to a great extent.


General symptoms of hepatitis?

 Fatigue and weakness

Feeling feverish

Dark coloured urine

Pale colour of stool

Pain or cramp in stomach area

Sudden weight loss

Yellowish skin and eyes


Tests to determine hepatitis?

Liver function test

Blood Tests

Viral antibody test


Liver biopsy


Prevention of hepatitis?

Consume safe drinking water

Avoid road side food

Avoid ice in drinks (use only ice made at home)

Unwashed fruits and vegetables

Raw fruits and vegetables

Use and insist on disposable syringes

Do not use razors, tooth brush, comb or items on unknown people

Do not touch blood in vomiting, spit

Follow adequate hand hygiene measures